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PALsite posting guidelines
PALsite Chat Page Posting Guidelines The PALsite chat pages are a moderated chat forum where enthusiasts can openly share their interest and thoughts regarding the various video formats featured on PALsite. While topics and opinions will not be governed, please understand that offensive language, personal attacks, deliberate misinformation and irrelevant posts will be removed at PALsite's discretion. Posting messages to these chat pages is generally a matter of common sense and courtesy and users should be able to use their own sense of what is appropriate to guide their behaviour. Excessive use of HTML links in a post will cause the post to be automatically removed. Unfortunately clicking on a link in a post has been disabled due to misuse by spammers. Please be respectful to your fellow participants at all times. Try to write and speak as you would wish to be written and spoken to. There will always be some issues which each of us feels strongly about and upon which we will never agree, so please "agree to disagree", or just walk away from the discussion. Do not make personal attacks upon others and try not to respond to personal attacks. Not all these guidelines will work for all situations so please use your discretion. When you post a message, it will be read by a variety of people, on a variety of computers. Please be aware of this and be considerate towards your fellow users. When you send a message, you are doing it either for the benefit of the other members, or to gain benefit from the other members. Please bear this in mind. It is common practice that messages sent to this public board should not be copied without the author's permission. Don't Flame - A flame is when you call someone names, are overtly rude, or blatantly sarcastic or condescending. It looks immature and unprofessional. Anything worth saying can, and must, be stated in polite terms. Remember that a large audience will see your messages, so be careful what you write. Also remember that people may keep a copy of your messages and your messages will also be archived. So your words could be stored for a very long time. Complain to the list owner, not the list - If someone sends a message that seems to be in questionable taste or of dubious relevance to the list, Please do NOT send a complaint or comment to the whole list. Contact PALsite If you require any or all existing posts that you have made to be removed, please contact: If you require a copy of all of your posts, please use the search function to search for your name. The authors of PALsite do not accept responsibility for any transactions entered into as a result of material on these pages. All transactions are at the risk of the parties to the sale. By accepting these terms and registering on the site, you agree for the name and contact information you provide to be included publicly with each post you make. PALsite agrees never to pass this information on to any third parties, or to ever use this information for the purpose of contacting users. PALsite is hosted in the United Kingdom. It it also available worldwide, outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).