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Yeah, its only player but is valid to transfers tape to digital.
Of course in the end i search another with stereo and tape counter!. But for 10e was irresitible buy It.
Hi,i buy my first betamax video. I found it near my house very cheap only 10e in person. Its a sl-p20ch, when i turn it on the first time It don't make rewind or forward, It begin made a crazy sound clac clac clac. And play sometimes works and another It only play 2 seconds and stop.
So i read all the general guides in the site and i was prepare for the worst scenery.
I open the chasis i put a tape and.. i view the tape "jumping" in the right side, every clac was the tape junping in vertical.
So i think something its really broke in the mechanics,when i view something very fun..
A trident gum wrapper from 1988 was under tape loading bay. So when i put a tape inside the gum made the right be more Up. And the mechanics are not completely into the tape made It jumping.
After remove the gum,the video works perfectly. Very fun and strange fault.
Now i search info about this video, i don't found any info about It in the web. The only reference i found was a Article in a spanish newspaper in 1986 that It begin sale for around 70000 pts.(450e now). And It support Up to 3 hours 1/2 of play(tell the newspaper).
What beta format It support?.
Hello Cristóbal here the language is the English because is the more spoken
You can use the google translator
Spanish: Puedes usar el traductor de google
Buenas tardes he adquirido un vídeo Sony sl-hf 950, ya de primeras, al introducir la cinta directamente se iba hacia dentro, incluso llegándome a pillar los dedos, luego todo funcionaba bien, al parar el vídeo y darle para que expulsara la cinta el carro se paraba teniendo incluso que ayudarle tirando de él para sacarlo, lo mi!smo para introducirlo, después todo funcionaba bien, ahora el carro ni sale ni entra, no funciona en play ni el rebobinado, no enhebra la cinta, gracias a Palsite ,pude saber que el motor de carga tiene un sistema de conmutador de modo, lo desarme y pude ver que en el engrane negro hay unas láminas, en pares de dos, en total seis, que se desplazan sobre un circuito impreso, lo pude reparar quedando fuerte, después de pegarlas estaba ilusionado con que todo iría bien pero nada, he comprobado todos los voltajes y aparentemente todos están correctos, he comprado el manual de servicio y leyendo sin entender el inglés, parece que hay que hacer algún reset, os pido ayuda, gracias anticipadas.
I found the service manual of Sony SL-F1E here:
Keith Wyattd do you has a multimeter for measure the 12 volts and if has enough current the power supply?
For measure the current use a lamp of 12 vols and 20 to 30 watts with the multimeter serially
(I don't know the maximum power of the power supply but in the specifications appears that the vcr consumes 8,4 watts without camera)
Here there are more solutions:
We're currently doing some admin on the site. Please let us know if you are experiencing any problems.
My Sony sl-f1 is dead.the tuner wont turn on and no lights showing.the recorder is also dead the same no lights when using a separate power supply any help please.thanks
Hello all.
Id like some help please.
I have just acquired a Sony SL-F25 and inexplicably the loading/timing belt is missing!
Its the toothed rubber one part number 368426401
Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement please?
I have a Grundig RP75 LCD video recorder in excellent working condition along with remote control. Although purchased 35 years ago this has hardly been used and looked after in a smoke free home. I am open to any offers made and collection will be required.
Hi, I am selling some great beta stuff on
And I have more, including rare SL-HF77 and SL-HF99 Pal Super Betas that were not sold in Europe, but these are not functioning, can be repaired with parts from other models though
Hello everyone. I just made this video to explain the problem:
Its a vtc5000 who makes noise only in the ring loading and not in unloading. The rest of the funtions are working nice.
I oiled every part wich hold the ring and all the belt zone white gears but i dont know whats is causing this noise.
Any help is wellcome. thanks.
There is a link to the old Molgar catalogue on the PALsite directory page, but I have added the new link just in case:
Happy New Year everyone
Noel I didn't think that these models that I told you are PAL or NTSC, only that has the same heads and mechanics
Thanks for the heads up. I am surprised that I am also still occasionally finding models I didn't know existed. I recently saw a Sanyo NTSC machine that was using a tape loading mechanism the same or almost the same as the Sony SL-C9.
Martin Evans is the one who updates Palsite so hopefully he can glean some information and pictures if possible at that link location. There was quite a bit of Re-badging going on with the marketing names Titan and general it seems to me.
regards Noel.
Noel I have new info about the Toshiba V-8600, V-8650 and V8700
I found a Spanish pdf catalog of heads, mechanics and list of VCRS with information of each head and mechanics
The mayority if for VHS but has Beta
In this catalog appears that these Toshiba VCRS have the head CV-044 and the mechanics Toshiba-102
This codes are internal for the company "Molgar" this catalog is old, actualy this company don't sell heads and mechanics
I searched in this catalog for to see what more VCRS have the mechanics Toshiba-102
And appears the Emerson VE-1002 already is knowed
But too appears these 3 VCRS with the same head and mechanics:
Fujitsu VG -200E
Funai VP-5000
General VG -200
I searched these 3 VCRS and I didn't find images and service manuals in google
You can download the catalog here for see:
In this pdf somebody removed the first 38 pages where appears only straps but the rest is complete
Merry Christmas to all on Palsite.
Just to confirm price for the slhf950 is 260 pounds
I have for sale a Sony slhf950 turns on fine but playback has errors selling for £260 plus a few pounds for post.
Sony SL-C80
I have a Sony Betamax Sl-C80E, and it has some problems.
It was stopped for many years, and I turned it on again.
There was a problem with the cassette loading gear, but I've already repaired the gear.
However, the charging motor does not receive power.
I can load the cassette manually and all the controls work.
Can you help me to get power back to the charging motor?
Hi guys, this is my first post here, so please go easy with me!. I hope that this isn't too far off topic as it is regarding a NTSC machine.
I'm trying to find a reel motor and reel idler for a Sanyo VCR-7250 SuperBeta machine. This is the first one of these that I've encountered, and the deck mechanism is totally different from the British VTC-5000 series that I'm reasonably familiar with.
Could anyone let me know of any possible sources for these parts, or failing that is thise mechanism used in any other Sanyo betas?.
I have a Sony SL-F25UB an am puzzled how to switch it to line in thanks for any help. cheers Barry.
i am working on a sanyo vtc 5400p betamax
i would like to know where the capstan adjusting configuring or how to adjust the speed of the capstan so it doesn't run so slow or shut down every 5 seconds
i have replaced the belts and idler tyre
so far but still cant get it working
any help would be great
I purchased a Sony Betamax SL-800ME to convert my tapes to digital. A fantastic machine and all has gone well for twenty or so tapes and then suddenly after removing one tape and inserting another there is almost no sound (RF-out). It's not the tape and I re-inserted others that I had successfully copied and they too had no sound out. I tested the audio lead on another unit (DVD player) and that's fine also. It's definitely the Betamax.I tried cleaning the audio heads and the sound is still extremely low (About 5%).
I have an SL-HF300 Betamax in pristine condition that has been in proper storage since 1987. I have the manual as well. I would like to sell it. I am hoping someone in the Bay Area would like it as shipping costs are expensive. It was hardly used prior to being stored. I would like $300.
Hi, I live in Livermore, Ca and have two beta machines, and about 800 tapes. Tapes are free and would sell both machines for $100. They worked great last time I used them (been several years). Would like them to go together, family said I have two weeks to find them a good home. Would need to live somewhat close, no way to ship it all. Text me please if you are interested. First come first serve.
The SL-700ME has a slow fast forward in it's design. There is nothing that can be fixed. I think the specification in the user manual states six minutes for fast-forward/rewind of a L-500 length tape.
Regards, Stephen
I have a sony betamax sl-c7 where the 400v capacitors have been replaced (panasonic capacitors) and the 2sc2335 (were defective), the resistor and the known chip. now everything worked, but after 30 minutes, it was broken again, the 2sc2335 were broken again.
now i read that this happens more often, is there a solution for this?
greetings rob
Message for Simon
Sorry for the confusion.
Dear Stephen:
thanks a lot for your reply and precious advice I wonder if you could help me to tell technical advice for improving the speed of ff on sl 700 mkII.
waiting for your reply in due time
Best wishes
Hi Mehrdad, I have owned several SL-700ME machines. The fast-forward is very slow, not much faster than picture search. This isn't a fault. It's the design of the machine. It's a very cheap latter day model. If you switch between PAL and NTSC, the motor speeds up slightly during fast-forward!
Hi everyone and best regards to palsite members
Actually let me right to my issue with my superbetamax in middle east is sl 700 mkii but in yours superbetamax sl s600
The main issue have at the moment the speed of ff is slower than Rewind due to i dont have SM i dont know the real voltage i test capstan the 5 pins except fg 4 pins the 2nd pin after b+ is 12vdc for REW is 9volt And FF is 6 volt !also I 've checked the whole sections of motor drive and capstan and servo section pls fo you have sm or face with this problem
Thanks in advance
Mehrdad Hatami
Hi everyone,
I am in great need of a service manual for the GCS-1 Betamovie if anyone has one available. Im in the US and it would need to be for the NTSC version, though Im not sure any other standard existed
Great that you got it going. I think you were lucky the loading ring slide and the capstan support rail were still in sync.
Sometimes that is an issue after taking out the load motor although the assembly is a little different in the SLF30.
regards Noel
Thanks Noel,
I managed to fix the machine last night.
It seems as if the problem was that one of the gears on the bottom of the gearbox wasn't meshing with the gear below but was instead resting on top and the drive between the two was merely the friction between the surfaces. Looks like a manufacturing assembly error.
I attempted to lift the gearbox out but to look underneath but the cables prevented me doing so, so I refit it and there was a slight clunk as I reseated it and the gearbox dropped by a couple of millimetres. After full reassembly the ring assembly, and hence the tape load/unload worked perfectly.
I just repaired an SLF30 that exhibited the problem that it would not properly load the tape and would stop when the leading guide was about two inches from the end.
It turned out that the mounting post for that rear switch was slightly bent and by moving it to the left normal operation resumed. Strange if yours has the same issue.
The brake solenoid is under the rear edge of the reel motor assembly.
You can view if it is operating or not with the machine playing a tape while on its edge or upside down and the base circuit board, if there is one covering it lifted up (I don't remember exact layout) as you can see if the plunger tries to operate then drops out.
The solenoids have a momentary operate higher power winding then a hold winding which stays on once the magnetic circuit is closed. There is a fuse in the hold circuit which opens at excess temperature. Maybe it just fails with time also.
You can prove this out using a multimeter on ohms range to see if there is resistance to the ground or common connection from both windings.
I can email some circuit diagram pictures if necessary. You can contact me through my website.
regards Noel (in Melbourne, Australia)
Sony SL-F30:
Machine fails to load or unload tape as a lever at the left-rear of the tape bay (as seen from the front) fails to actuate.
The machine was working OK other than intermittently slow fast-forward/rewind. After playing a tape the rewind went slow but finished but then the tape wouldn't unload with the unload motor gear spinning but the tape not unwinding from the capstan. Manually shifting the lever allowed the tape to unload. Similarly, if I load a tape manually moving the lever allows it to load.
The technical page on this site says "brake solenoid" but as there are no details about where it is or how to reach it that's useless information.
Does anyone have a service manual or knowledge to help with the repair?
A word for all VCR fans.
Machines do NOT like to be stored for excessive periods of time as many have belt's inside.
They should be powered up every few months and even allowed to play the odd tape.This keeps the mechanics in good order.I see so many posts now about ,'how they worked when being stored and then after many many years they now don't'.
Also in regards to the power supplies.If not being used for long periods it's better to unplug them as this saves the capacitors from over heating/drying out,especially as some like to use them in closed spaces with not enough air circulating around this vital area.
Also keep the machines away from cold environments like loft's and sheds as then you have the added issue of rust forming on vital areas.Same with the tapes this time mold will form and in sever cases ruin your precious treasured memories.Sadly far too many have not adhered to this. Expecting miracles from those who are having to turn away very contaminated cassettes.
Andrew this model use the same motor for load-unload the tape and as capstan
I bought years ago by internet a Sony SL-C7 I repaired the power supply but when I entered a tape didn't load and I listened a noise
I touch the load-unload motor and load the tape
When I played the image was unstable
I couldn't find a schema of this motor, I opened but I don't know what problem has
Perhaps one coil don't run, I have guarded this vcr
Got a collection of 3 Sony C7 's and the most recent one I have got out again. It's been storing for 8 years since it's last use and it was working whenit was stored.
Last week I powered it on. It was sounding sluggish but laced a tape which I then began to rewind and it snapped the tape. It would then just spin the tape constantly having been snapped. So it didn't lace and unlace properly. I ordered some used Betamax tapes and just tried one and now it does even less. It will let me put a tape in then when I put a tape in it just keeps making a noise and doing nothing with the tape. It will then eject when I press eject. Can anyone help please? Want to decide early as possible if it's an easy fix if it's just seized perhaps? or if it's a goner we don't want to waste time and money if it might just be worth getting another refurbished for the things we want to use it for. Many thanks for any subsequent help.
Hello James,
Martin has kindly added the information and template for the replacement of the Sanyo VTC6500 membrane to Palsite machine information at
regards Noel
Hello David my email is infomarbella at the Google mail. Encantado de conocerte
I doubt that you can obtain a new membrane for the Sanyo VTC6500 machine. My solution was to make a replacement.
I did that by creating a colour replica on sticky backed paper and covered the top surface of the paper with clear contact book covering material with also has a sticky back.
I can email you the picture to print if you contact me through my website
regards Noel Higgins - Australia
ivan I didn't find info about these vcrs
But I found in Ebay for sale, are NTSC and this site is for PAL
I waited to found service manuals in the web or in the web
These vcrs seems rare
Does anyone know of anywhere that still has old stock of the membrane that goes over the function buttons for the sanyo vac-6500
im stiil looking for the Sony SL-5400 or SL-5600 betamax VCR operating instructions if anyone have a time to scan and send me the copies to my email please
Any contribution wi be appeciated
Miguel which is your your email? for talk in Spanish
Again me. To finalise the subject of vtc9300 i have to say i remade again the belt with an old rubber from bicycle wheel. This is more elastic thant the original so i made it a little smaller. (230mm folded) and now works good. the picture is fine and there is no bounce (caused for excess of tension in the capstain belt)
Correction: "now with the taut belt the image its good but bounces like five milimeters horizontally "
Hi Again. So David, are you Spanish ? What a english name you have! :)
About my vtc9300p now the taut belt the image bounces horizontally. What do you think, master?
Thomas Rand perhaps the pinch roller and / or the capstan are bad
I have little information
Do you can to use the English?
Jeg har en sanyo vtc5000 betamax
Jeg spole et bånd igennem med billed på lige pludselig stoppede den med at køre
Jeg kan sagtens få båndet ud og har prøvet at sætte båndet ind igen og trykker på play den kører båndet på til hovedet og viser billed på tv i 2 sekunder og går ud
Men den kan sagtens spole frem og tilbage uden problemer og jeg har prøvet flere bånd men det er det samme problem
Har i et forslag på hvad der kan være galt
Mvh Thomas
I put here a pdf file from a Spanish shop of Video Heads, today don't sell video heads
Appears the references of the videos and images of the machanical and the heads
The most vhs but too Beta
Miguel, I am from Santander (Spain)
The speed of the tape was more slow, by this reason appeared the noise
I clean the rotative heads with the vcr with the power supply disconnected
I put with alcohol a fragment of cloth with a finger and I put in the drum without move the finger
Only move the drum in the sense of turn (the same of play)
I don't remember if is clockwise or couterclockwise
But the tape play from left to right
About my problem with the sanyo vtc9300p. I found the solution.
The problem was there wasn't enough tension in the capstain's belt. I cut one more piece and glued it together and now it works great.
Thanks anyway David. I hope this help someday to anybody.
Thank you David!
Now after this afternoon i retry the test but with worst results. I made a new video. I think could be a capacitor or some electronic component wich works pseudowell when its discharges and not workingt when its charged. I really dont know. This is the new video ....
Miguel, this tv is of tube?
-Yes, it is
-Is connected by video
Do you test with differents cassetes and tvs?
- Yes, with all of them its the same. each 10 seconds it goes to a 3 secs of noise, and its a loop.
- In The last test i can not see anything, but if i unplug it and try tomorrow it will works like before.
Do you clean all the heads?
- Not really, because im afraid to broke them. anyway if the image works 10 seconds i think the problem is not of heads, isn'ìt ?
What happen in pause?
- The pictures goes to black, and sometimes it flashes to white, but i can not see picture. You can see in the new video.
What happen with you move the tracking?
- This morning the tracking looks like it working, but does not fix the problem.
Do you move screws of the heads or guides?
- No
This vcr worked well sometime?
-No, i got it this days and after big cleaning im trying to come back to life.
Was repaired sometime?
- I dont know.
Someone changed something small or big?
-First time i turn on, in the servo board, a 4700uf capacitor burnt with smoke, i changed it for a 5500uf. that is the only change.
Thank you again from marbella, andalucia, spain. :)
Miguel, this tv is of tube?
The non tube tvs are very demanding with the video signals, better test with a tube tv direct by video / audio inputs
Is connected by video / audio or RF?
Do you test with differents cassetes and tvs?
Do you clean all the heads?
What happen in pause?
What happen with you move the tracking?
Do you move screws of the heads or guides?
This vcr worked well sometime?
Was repaired sometime?
Someone changed something small or big?
Hello. Im talking about a vtc9300.
After cleaning, greasing and tightening belts the reproduction is good, but every 10 seconds the image goes to noise. If I leave the video in playback every minute that passes the frequency of error is less. I have read the whole forum and I have not found anyone with my problem, please, some expert who can guide me?
I made a video to show you the problem:
thanks in advance.
Hello, someone know for that videos is this head?
Hello everybody betamax fans. Okay, I change new video heads to my Sony sl-c9. Picture is now very good, no transverse interference stripes. But now the problem is the still image where it is snowing? What is problem? I think is it upper drum? Please can anyone help.
Sorry I am so slow to respond, I have now visited the site for a while. No I have not solved that HF950 problem with fast capstan.
It sits there as a possibly spares machine as i have a few for repair.
regards Noel - - Australia
Good morning, I have a portable Sanyo VPR5800 that doesn't display colour in PLAY mode with known-good tapes, but does pass colour to the composite output when the colour videocamera is plugged in. Due to the difficulties of working on such a cramped machine, and the unavailability of the specific service manual, what would be the most similar Sanyo VTR in terms of chroma circuitry to this portable unit, with an available service manual that could be used as a guide? Does anybody know a typical fix for this problem? Thanks!
Hi Daniel,
The problem with your HF100 is that head drum and capstan are both running very fast. Hearing the head motor revving up is painful. The problem is documented on the technical page. PS001 is open circuit on the YC panel
Daniel :
Looking at your video ,the head drum disc is spinning and so is the capstan.
The issue looks to be either the reel table take up or the capstan is turning to fast.
There is a way to check this without a tape inside.
There is a small black/pin/lever switch.If you press this down,without a tape inside.It should enable loading to take place.You can then press PLAY and see if the reel drive pendulum is making contact with the right spool.If it's not then we can go from there.
Hi, I have a Sony betamax c7, it powers up, plays ejects, gf, rw etc but before I attempt to play anything in depth I was looking for a service on it.
Ive seen a few ads on eBay with people who seem to have gone to some effort to restore them and was looking for this service of any one has any leads please
my best regards to old vintage Betamax VCRS fans:
As a matter of fact I have superbetamax sl-700me mkiii as you know this model is designed for middle east at the moment I had the problem with its capstan motor due to leakage of smd on capacitor on other smd resistor and capacitors it makes the soldering pads are lifted and it seems to be the IC cxa 1251 sony is defective now there are bunch of questions I have
1. can I do some modifications on the superbetamax sl-s2000 but in middle east is sl-200 me mkiii capstan and apply on sl-700 me (7systems)
have ever done that as you know the number of pins are different sl-200 capstan is 8 pins and sl-700me is 9 pins
2. or do you know any equivalent components for sony Ic cxa 1251
finally what do you recommend ?
Thanks million from from all betamax vcr fans
please you have any experience please send me to my email or mention in chat page
take care
Hi all
I recently acquired a Sony SL-HF100 and it was working fine until it developed a fault the same day. Playback, Fast-Forwarding and Rewinding cuts off after 2-3 seconds and when playing the tape loosens.
Video of the problem.
Wondering if it's a simple fix or a complex fix?
Many thanks
Daniel Z. Australia
Hi all
this message is for Noel Higgings as I have seen that the 31st of August 2020 you posted in this chat exactly the same problem i am experiencing on the SLHF950
your post "I repaired the faulty slides on both of them. Now I try a tape in play mode and the capstan runs full speed tangling and damaging the tape. I can get the machine to pick up most of the slack if a hit rewind but that only work momentarily before it stops. The drum motor hardly spins at all. The three electronic fuses are OK - not blown."
My issue infact is that capstan runs full speed tangling and damaging the tape.
Have you solved the problem ? can you help me ?
VCT6500 reel motor torque improvement modification
In the case of the VTC5000 and VTC5150, there is a modification to improve reel drive during FF/REW, and importantly, during unlace. This is particularly helpful therefore if your machine leaves loops of tape when changing from PLAY to STOP even after a new reel idler and belt has been fitted. This is believed to be approved by Sanyo but I do not yet have printed evidence of this, however I can confirm that it definitely works very well. You would need some electronic soldering expertise to carry this out:
The BMC200p Betamovie is RECORD ONLY.
When Sony had to reduce the head drum to make the camera smallish and portable the system they uses with only 1 head could'nt play anything back.That's why it's sales were VERY LOW.
So know you can't view any recording through the camera.Only look through the actual lense during recording.
Hi, I just found our 35-40 year old Sony Beta Camera bmc 200. I also found tapes wed made. QUESTION: can I view the content of a previously recorded beta cassette on the camera , view finder ?
Thanks ANYONE !
Regarding the SLF30 drum motor problem which is common to many later model Sony VCRs.
I am in Australia, so assisting you in person is not possible but I can walk you through the steps necessary to do the repair.
In summary you will need to take the whole drum assembly out of the machine extended on the leads but with the head cable being disconnected being careful not to touch/damage the video heads.
Top of the machine.
remove the white plastic assembly with the small spring tape edge tensioners from the top of the drum.
Bottom of the machine.
Remove the nut on the drum magnet.
Remove the drum magnet. Magnetic force offers a lot of resistance. ( I use a suitable size stainless steel pipe clamp around the magnet in order to grip it and pull it off)
Keep the spacer washers in a safe place for reassembly
Remove the three screws with washers and springs on them holding the drum into the chassis
Place the Machine right way up or on it's edge.
Carefully lift the drum assembly out of the machine having got as much slack in the cables so that you can
undo the two screws holding the circuit board mounting from the to bottom of the drum. Break the glue bond as necessary
unclip the plastic holding the wires neatly and remove the boards for repair
Replace the hall effect sensor making sure to clean away any residue of glue where it was mounted. (the leads generally hold it in place well enough)
Do the reverse of the above procedure to reinstall
Cross your fingers, hold your mouth just right and test the machine.
Good luck!
regards Noel Higgins (
My Sony SL C30 video works in black and white.
What motherboard model YC41 should I change.
The recommendations for the YC25 panel do not fit my device.
Hello everyone!
I found a sony betamax sl3000 (the portable) and am really looking forward to seeing it work. I have changed the straps and inside is very clean. The problem is that I can't get it to turn on. I have connected a 12 volt and 3 amp power supply to the internal connector of the battery after reversing the poles but I cannot get it to turn on. I have tested 2 fuses and they are fine. I have disassembled it a bit and checked the components of the board that connects to the power cable but I have not found any defective component. So for now I can't move forward. Does anyone know where to get the service manual? or any trick for this problem.
Thanks in advance.Miguel
Reference: Sony SL-F30. Head drum failed to rotate, only trying with a judder. 'Parts - Head Motor' guidance suggests Hall Effect Sensor, . Managed to remove locking nut but no further. Now in my 85th year, and still hands on electronics is my hobby. I am seeking a capable enthusiastic Betamax fan to help rectify the apparent fault in line with advice published. Ideally that person to live in the south, i.e East/West Sussex areas. Any other areas considered. Expenses met. Much appreciated.
Hi all,
I have a betamax SL-HF950. I have a problem with capstain motor. When I playback the tape the capstain motor speed is faster then reel motor and as a result the tape is eaten. Any idea of what could be issue ? I have already done some component changes but i can not solve this problem.
thanks a lot for your suggestion.
im looking for the Sony SL-5400 or5600 NTSC betamax VCR user primary manual in english can anybody can send me an pdf or jpeg to my email please? i cant locate for free on the internet
any upload will be aprreciated
Sorry guys wrong chat,
It's not Betamax,
it's Betacam
Hi Guys,
My first Post here,
Does anyone know if the Sony UVW-1800p Betamax Recorder,
can play PAL & NTSC small BetaSP tapes,
or is there a hidden Menu option to change NTSC to PAL ?
Many Thanks in Advance
Hello all. I realise that this is primarily for PAL related Beta issues, but can anyone on here supply the full Service Manual for the NTSC model Sanyo VCR4400, including the PCB layouts and wiring diagrams? PDF version preferred, but am in the UK if posting a paper version is the only option.
Many thanks.
Has anyone run into a Sony SLHF series (I'm working on an NTSC SLHF550 us model that when mains are applied the Display shows the clock briefly ( 1 or 2 seconds) then all the segments and characters illuminate? No power up or other actions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'll rebuild/cap the Power supply tonight,STK5441 type regulator etc.
That was me. See
cheers Noel
Hallo There, I downloaded a Toshiba V9600 Service Manual, but cant find the timing settings. I accidentally loosen the wrong screw on the deck, and found out later that the timing is totally out. Who can help me to reset it, please.
Hi all
If I recall correctly a year or so ago there was a member on here selling some Sony C9 front loading gears that he makes himself? Is the member still on here, and do you remember who it is please?
Many thanks.
The HiFi is recorded on the tape diagonally along with the video signal via a second pair of heads on the the rotating video head disc.
Because the HiFi is recorded deeper on the tape, when the heads wear HiFi is the first thing to drop out, but first you notice the range of the tracking control over which the HiFi works gets less and less.
The reasons for no HiFi playback are many apart from the front panel sound selector switch not set to auto so mono only sound is played.
Faulty/dirty heads, tape pass alignment, tracking control not set correctly, circuit board faults on the HiFi board.
First start with looking to see there is no damage to the heads and if not then clean the heads very carefully so as not to damage the heads.
I hope this helps. Sometimes it can be more obscure issues like the HiFi pickup coils at the top of the video assembly not being set correctly or having one pickup open circuit. (Yes it happened once to me)
regards Noel ( - Australia)
Hi, I have a Beta hifi machine model SL-HF100. it plays tape normally, but no hifi audio even playing tape that recorded in hifi. and when I tried to recording from EE, the hifi indicator is lit, but if I play it back the tape on this machine, it plays picture and audio, but still no hifi audio (hifi indicator off, only linear audio can be out).
What can I do for that kind of issue..?
Thank's for the advice.
I am trying to digitize only two old Betmax Cassettes. As it is not worth to buy a Betamax player/recorder, I am looking for a company who rents players. I found one in Hamburg, but living near Stuttgart, this is also not possible.
Anyone reading here has an idea if there is a company around Stuttgart, Germany who is renting Betamax Players for PAL?
Thanks in advance, Johannes
ANY resistor that is fusible MUST be the exact replacement. It's down to safety of the design and product/user.
The mains filter capacitor did fail regularly and took out the fuse. This was common to a few beta vcr's of that time.
The clock control capacitors are usually going bad now too down to how long these vcr's were left in standby and used.
What issues were you having,Sporadic functions or nothing at all?
My Sanyo VTC5000 (bought new in the mid 1980's) just having power problems. I am hoping I have sorted this out after replacing the STK7216 three times!!! It seems to be PSU R5207. I have bought replacement, but it is NOT "Fusible" Is this feature vital? All set to switch on - but having second thoughts!! 30 /10/2022 Michael G
Many thanks, Fivos!!
Gabriel Grajales
An SL-C6 belt will fit the SL-5000 but you'll have to order it from Australia.
Hello Snarf. VC1001 is a 50pF variable capacitor.
Would anyone happen to know the value of the VC1 trimmer capacitor on the Video board of a Sanyo VTC5000 please?
Many thanks.
HELLO!! Do you guys have belts for a Betamax VCR Model SL-5000? I can't find them anywhere! Thank you so much, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Ive got a Betamax B35 video recorder which hasnt been used for over 30 years which I want to use to play some videos I recorded back around 1981-1984. It powers up okay and will fast forward, pauses, rewinds but when I press Play it plays for a short time then stops. No picture just all grainy and noise. Ive tried cleaning as per you tube videos but no joy.
Any ideas ?
We have a Sony SL-HF550 Beta player and are trying to figure out how we can connect it to our PC and record the Beta tapes. We do it with VCRs and video recorder, but the program we're using doesn't see the player when connected. When the VCR or Video cameras are connect to the computer, it sees it and we can play/record the tapes. Why doesn't the computer/program see the beta player? Do we have to have a special connection to the computer?
The Sony SLC9 is known for issues in the load mechanism - especially broken load gears. I supply replacements for these on eBay, but you can make your own.
See the PALSITE technical help area under the this models listing. If all else is OK then you might have an issue with the drive pulley having cracked at its bearing.
This, in conjunction with stretching/age hardening of the drive belt, means the belt slips under load and the machine eventually gives up. I don't think replacement pulleys are available.
Check/replace the rubber belt and use a scribe to score the smooth inside of the V pulley to give it extra grip and see if that helps.
There are lots of other things that can happen to stop tapes loading like the drive arm on the middle of machine side of the load mechanism coming off due to tape/gear issues such as the tape going in skewed and not matching up with the reel drives.
Good luck - they are a great machine if you can get them going.
The DC/DC driving the display is another common issue but the machine can still work without that.
regards Noel
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