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Regarding your loss of picture on an SLC30E (turning to black) that happens when the tracking pulse ceases to be detected. Alignment of the tape with the audio head changing is a likely cause. (Don't adjust alignment though because that is probably not the fault)
You should observe the tape on preview and review modes to see if the tape gets pulled up or down in during fast movement. Also inspect the tape for damage.
The ACE assembly which holds the audio/tracking head must be cleaned for a start. In your case I would check the capstan roller to ensure that it is gripping the tape evenly. From what you describe it seem like the tape is ridding up and you are losing contact with the control head. I have a video on you tube that shows how you can clean the capstan roller plus if you use that method you will quickly find out if one of the bearings has an issue because the roller will become unstable at high speed. See
regards Noel (Betaheaven - Australia)
Dear Betamax PALsite community, my name is Franziska Aigner and I'm working on a film together with my friend and director Thuy-Han Nguyen Chi (German film prize for best experimental film 2023, her last film had its world premiere at New York Film Festival 2022). The film in part gravitates around a video camera from the 1990s, a Sony Trinicon HVC 4000P. The camera is currently not functional, even if we don't quite know what is wrong with it. As part of the film, we would like to collaborate with a camera technician who is familiar with this type of camera, and if possible, has furthermore worked with/on this camera in the 1990s, in order to first of all document the process of diagnosing and dissecting the camera and who would furthermore be willing to do so while being filmed.
We are currently planning to shoot the camera 'diagnosis' in the two last weeks of September 2025 in Troy/New York, which is why we are looking for someone based in the region.
If any of you would be interested in collaborating with us on this project, please reach out to [email protected]
Thanks a lot,
Wanted: Any UK schools programmes from 1970s or 80s. Whatever tape format. Also interested in certain other types of 70s-80s TV material too, particularly kids TV programmes but other things too.
Hi, I have a Sony SL C30e here, which only shows a picture for a short time when playing, then goes black. pause or quickly move forward, go backwards and then I have a picture again. just don't play normally. anyone have any ideas. Greetings Rob
Hoi ik heb een oude portable Sony Sl 3000 is mechaniek in orde speelde perfect beeld en geluid af Heeft een tijdje stil gestaan nou geen video signaal meer uit de Bnc aansluiting
verder werkt alles prima.... Kapstanmoter hersteld +snaren iemand een idee ???
James Larkins
The SL-C9 is one of the most complex home VCRs ever made and finding a fully working one these days can be a challenge. The most common problems with this model are the two little plastic gears on the front loading mechanism and the DC-DC converter module that fails and causes the clock/counter display and the TV tuner to not work anymore (although the latter is mostly useless these days anyway). Other mechanical issues include the flip-up tape guide pins that often snap, and the upper drum that gets shiny and causes the tapes to stick to it during rewind, or cause excessive back-tension during playback/recording. This is a big problem with this particular model because it uses direct drive reel motors (no idlers, belts or pendulum gears) and the reel servo circuit will get confused or over-correct the situation if any tape drag occurs. If you hear a slapping or thumping sound during rewind then be sure to check the upper drum for wear. If the cassette loading gear(s) break then you will need to replace those before the loading motor draws excessive current and blows something up. The North American versions are the SL-2500 and 2700 (Beta hi-fi stereo version). All in all, it's a lovely machine when it works but a nightmare when it doesn't.
Betamax SL-HF300 (1984) not Sensing Inserted Tape
1. The machine cycles normally when powered-up.
2. The "tape inserted" sensor switch in the carriage opens and closes with tape insertion (checked continuity), however it is not triggering the loading motor.
3. The carriage is operating freely - I can drop and raise the tape via turning the appropriate gear by hand. The machine appears to sense the carriage is down, however the tape loading mechanism is not activated as again, the machine appears to not sense a tape being present.
Anxious to get this working as in 1986 I used the HiFi mode (audio only) to record a friends' 1983 release of the Beatles Original Master Recordings box set. Wish to download said recordings to archive them.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
hi all - I'm wondering if anyone here is (or knows) an old school video repair engineer in Wales or the South West? While I can do basic belt changes etc., more complicated reopairs are beyond my ken, and I could really do with finding a retired video repair man who is happy to earn a few quid. Thanks.
After my parents both passed away, I dragged their old Sony SL-c9ub back to the United States in the hope of seeing if there were any old family movies we had not captured. To be honest, it never even crossed my mind that it might not be functional, but today I plugged it in, hooked up a cheap BNC to HDMI converter and lo and behold. Behold, the tape that was in it played and was a family movie!
In hindsight now and after looking at the tape mechanism and its complexity, and the plethora of capacitors all over the boards, I'm actually shocked it is in such Tip-Top shape.
I have a dozen or so tapes to go through and review. As I think about it, I realize if any rubber is in bad shape on the captains, further use may end in a jam. I've only played about 2 minutes worth, but confirmed that slow-mo shuttle is working just as I used to (I remember age 9 shuttling torville and Dean back and forth making it appear that he was kicking her in the head at the end of their Bolero routine).
Knowing that it is working 100%, do you have any guidance on what I can do to maintain it? I don't really want to unscrew anything.
Secondarily, once I'm done capturing, I will have no need for it beyond having a badass piece of technology. What do you think someone would pay for it? I have seen some posts of enthusiasts bemoaning their players slow demise...
To Clive Leyland What model and make of TV are you using and have you tuned the Test signal from your Sanyo so it's displaying on your TV if so when you play a tape the picture and sound should be displayed have you used the RF Converter which is normally channel 36 but it can be adjusted some TVs have a dedicated channel for viewing vhs or betamax tapes
Regarding SLHF950 power supply repair checkout
cheers Noel
I have not heard from you in a very long time. I don't check chat page very often these days but I have gotten back into Beta repairs recently. I am still learning!
I just searched Palsite and found a few pages I didn't even know were there such as a page which compares the features of a large number of beta machines in a chart.
Amazing that you got a new SLC9 video head. I wonder if there are any more and how much it cost? I can't buy new heads anymore from Wagner in Australia.
Check out to find the part numbers for SLHF950 heads. There are also pages for other Sony models.
I repair the SLHF950 power supplies by replacing the AC/to DC first section of the power supply with an external 12V DC 5 Amp supply which are much more efficient.
These have a three wire mains connection including an earth lead which cant be accommodated internally without extensive modification of the machine - not a safe hobbyist job.
Others have provided information on repairing the original supplies in the past. I probably have emails copied or hard copies of that information.
Basically if the supply still works, changing the electrolytic capacitors is the obvious thing to do. But be sure to get high quality replacements. I use an ESR meter and capacitance meter to check them.
The second half of the power supply going from DC to all the other voltages the machine requires is less problematic over time but you could also check/change the capacitors there.
You don't need the eccentricity gauge for the later Sony models such as SLC9 and SLHF950. I do have quite a few SLHF950 original remotes.
Most have lost black paint off the corners due to use over time. I also know that the SLV777 and SLV815 top of the range VHS machines had remotes with a jog shuttle control which work on VCR 1 setting with the HF950s.
I will get back to you via email is I find the power supply repair information.
regards Noel
Greetings everyone!
I recently acquired a Sanyo Betamovie VRC-200P (which is just a rebadge of the Sony BMC-200 ). When I first got the camcorder, I verified that the charger works, and that the batteries are good. One battery is good but the other is dead. I plan to rebuild the batteries anyways so that's fine.
I attempted to power on the camcorder with the good battery but gave no signs of life. The barrel power plug from the charger was mangled so I could not plug that directly into the camcorder. Then I decided to take the camcorder apart to see what's wrong, and I discovered that the JK-2 board (the PCB with the power input and mic/headphone jacks) was brittle, and a crack has developed over one of the traces. I bridged the trace, and decided to test the camcorder with the good battery again. This time, the fuse lit up and then burnt out.
Since the fuse burnt out, does this possibly mean that there could be a short circuit somewhere? Or could the age of the fuse play a part in blowing? I disassembled the camcorder further last night, and found that the rest of the PCBs still appear to be good as new, as well as all the other components soldered to the PCBs. I'm not sure where the short circuits could be. I ordered a box of new fuses for the camcorder as replacements so I can replace the fuse if I were to blow any more in the future.
If anyone has any info that can assist me in bringing this camcorder back to life, please do reply to me or contact me through email!
Many thanks,
Hello Noel I have posted for a very long time and I have just purchased a Brand new Sony DSR 21 video head disc l am looking for a good SL-HF950 remote control and perhaps you can remind me of the DSR number of the SL-HF950 video head disc. I am hoping you could provide me with a repair process to repair the faulty power supply panel in the SL-HF950, l have now got 3 good condition SL-HF950 and a low hours SL-C9 l have just finished replacing the Capacitors in the DC-DC Converter it was working but the Capacitors looked like they were on the point of failure so l rebuilt it and l have one more SL-C9 complete drum assembly that needs new video head fitting and no l have got them l will get out the eccentricity gauge and fit them l itend to have 2 950s and 2 C9s l can use .l also have 2 Sanyo VTC9300P and I have fitted new belts pinch roller and video heads and l use it on a daily basis so any help would be very grateful regards David Grant [email protected].
Craig Munten
I'd assume you mean L631? If so, It is shown in the schematic and the parts list but for some strange reason the value of it is not shown. Does dimming the display using the switch on the front panel reduce the whine?
Sony SL-2000
does anybody have a Sony SL2000 ? im looking to get one as my bmc 100 does not have playback.
Hello, my c6 plays tapes correctly in video and audio, but when recording it records the video correctly, but the audio undulates in a constant out of tune, it only happens when playing something recorded from the video itself.Help please
Hey y'all new here!
So i have a sl-c9 where L361 in the PSU is very high pitched whining it is so anoying! I've spent 5 hours trying to find out why.
All caps in the PSU have been changed and before that it also had the same whine.
Is this common for L361 to whine? Other PSU from my second c9s also does that!
The whining is dependent on the load off the PSU, for example rewind and it pitches up
Are there any Infos in which value L361 has and which new Coil could be fitted and if it's even the Coil? I'm just out off ideas now.
Thx in advance!
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